Volunteer Housing
Our volunteer housing is a duplex-style house located on Cornerstone Christian Ranch. One side will house a long-term missionary family and the other side will be able to house a short-term missions team of 12 or Honduran seminary students needing to learn farming and ranching skills to support themselves and teach their congregations. We plan on building two of these types of houses over the next year. The first one is well underway!

CCA School Playgrounds
The school grounds for Cornerstone Christian Academy have been closed for 2 years due to the Pandemic as we have continued classes online. The lack of use as well as the damage of two major hurricanes has left a need to repair and replace playground equipment and fencing hopefully before we begin in-person classes. We also want to add one more playground area for only the Kindergarten and 1st grade so the little ones don't get trampled by the older students.

Dairy Barn
Currently, we have 4 cows being milked twice daily. We have a nice concrete area with feeders that we are in the process of roofing. We have thirteen dairy cows we purchased at the end of last year and will artificially inseminate with beef cow embryos, By the end of this year, Lord willing, we will have tripled our milk production providing milk and cheese to the school as well as selling excess to put back into the program

CCR Church Renovations/Classroom/Kitchen
We continue to do improvements to the current church building. We recently replaced the roof, added electricity, and doors. Our goal is to build a set of classrooms for the children's Sunday school classes. As well as a community kitchen/pavilion where we can cook and serve meals for outreach events. The land has been cleared and we will begin building once the funding is in place.

CCA Fencing
A security fence is an absolute must to keep our students safe and secure. 4 years ago we put up a fence out of wood as we had little time and funds to build a more secure fence before school started. The major hurricanes we experienced here have taken their toll and we are raising the support to build a more solid, long-lasting structure.

Clearing and seeding
Over 250 acres have been cleared of trees, thick underbrush, and huge thorn trees. The ground is prepped and ready for seed. In these fields, we will plant grass seed for hay, as well as crops.