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May Newsletter

May Newsletter Educating and Equipping with the Word of God

This month has been fun to watch our first technical school studies learn, create and grow. At the beginning of the month, they created this cross that will be placed at the entrance of the church. These young men have been participating in weekly Bible study, and some have even begun to join in the ranch church services on Sunday. They are taking on an active role in the building and labor that goes on every day at the ranch. They are receiving the opportunity to be mentored and to see God at work every day in the way that he continues to meet needs and heal hearts. Please continue to pray that their hearts will be impacted by the Gospel as we remain focused on their eternal future not just their temporal future.

Meet Mollie and Jared Pounds This month's newsletter is a little more personal as we did spend 2 weeks stateside to celebrate our middle daughter Mollie's marriage to Jared Pounds. We enjoyed our time together as well as sharing with friends and churches what God is doing here in Honduras. Those of you who may not be familiar with our story on how we ended up in Honduras may not know that it was first Mollie who came to serve with Wellspring of Life. Our calling came out of her love and calling to serve in Spanish-speaking communities. She served at Cornerstone Christian Academy for 2 years and moved back to Tennessee at the beginning of the Covid lock-down, at which time she met Jared and they began their journey together. We know Mollie and Jared will continue to be a big part of the ministry here in Honduras as they both share a love for this community and they have built their relationship on the firm foundation of Christ and are seeking to be used for His good purpose and honor Him through their marriage. We are so happy to welcome Jared to the family. New Beginnings Those of you who have been following the ministry for a while know that a year and a half ago the Lord lead us to commit to raising the twins Doylin and Dylan. They were 7 years old at the time and didn't speak any English and our Spanish at the time was quite poor. This was an unexpected calling (as so much of this journey has been) and has been one of the biggest challenges of our lives. Through the process, we have gained a greater dependence on the Lord and have been learning true sacrificial love. As with anything we do, if we do it every day we don't always see the progress or feel the benefits but Dylan made it all worth it when he prayed to receive Jesus into his heart on Mother's Day. As he laid down for bed out of the blue he prayed the sweetest prayer..."Jesus move into my heart and make it all clean. Do whatever you need to do with me." That simple faith of a child is what God requires of us. To call on Him and trust that He will do the work and then being obedient to the work He wants to do in our lives. I am thankful that God has used us even in our failings to see these two little ones choose a life of faith (Doylin gave her heart to Christ last year). Please keep them and us in your prayers. Pray that God will keep them steadfast in their faith and pray God will keep us steadfast to faithfully guide, teach and love.


  • God laid someone on our hearts last month as a potential pastor and school Chaplin. He and his soon-to-be wife have accepted and will be joining us later this summer. Not only that but we had someone commit to paying his monthly salary. We look forward to introducing him to you in the near future and are so excited about what God has in store as we grow in this area.

  • Our Abbie finished out her first year of college with straight A's and has just done an amazing job. We are super thankful that she is spending her summer break in the Honduras heat with us. She is such a big help!

  • Thank you to Ben and Jeanie Styles who stepped into our shoes for 10 days to help with the kids and keep things rolling while we were stateside.

  • We received a donation to help complete the house at the ranch where we will be moving when completed. Pray we can have it completed in July so the new pastor can move into our current house in the village.

  • Praise we have a church that is seeking to help meet the needs of the school's

fees to meet government regulations.

Prayer requests:

  • Pray for our students and teachers as they finish up the school year next week. This has been such a challenging school year with Covid restrictions still in place, 2 major hurricanes, and weekly power/wifi outages. They all deserve a good break.

  • Pray for graduation next month and the students who are graduating. It is such a great class of young men and we will be sad to see them go but so happy for the future they now have.

  • Pray for wisdom as we plan to finish building projects as the cost of supplies in the states is having its impact on HN. The price of wood and other supplies will be unobtainable and many hardware stores are saying they will probably close because they simply can't afford to order supplies and no one can afford to buy them. This will greatly impact what we will be able to accomplish in the future. Pray for the wisdom on what to accomplish first and the funds to complete them while the supplies are still available.

  • Pray for Brent's family, specifically his dad Lonnie as he has had a decline in his dementia process that has led to changes in his care, and he now requires full-time care. It has been a big adjustment for his family and they appreciate your prayers.

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